Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day FOUR of ban

MOSTLY it is the rude comments on OTHER Blawgs that I want to talk about, because the comments from MY supporters are mostly friendly. But on aba journal there were RUDE comments that I did not respond to because "Molly" stopped me.

Some men called me a "troll" even thow they NEVER saw what I look like. This is RUDE on a profesional legal website to call women these names and I assure you I AM attractive. I just do not need to dress provokatively like SOME Blawggers. And another Blawgger called me a "pony" which is RUDE and FALSE. And even if I WAS, I do NOT like carrots so it would not make sence. Alan does like them but only in a stew which I ONLY make during the winter.

I am ALSO bothered by the insenuation that WOMEN are not hard workers because ONE woman looses ONE tool belt while repiaring a SATELIGHT of all things. She DID make it into space after all. I do not know how a person acheives this but the test MUST be a least as hard as the lsat, and probabley harder.

If SHE starts a blawg I will let YOU know.

Also, please be AWARE that there is propoganda being REPEATED on the internet Blawgs about firms FIRING attornies but I do NOT think it is true because the names of these "firms" are not real. NO ONE has answered my question if "Squire Sandars" is ACTUALY real because it sounds like a fake name. This MIGHT have something to do with Indians taking over firm jobs, but that might be propoganda also.


  1. I did not see the original "pony" comment, and so cannot be sure about the context. However (and although you have not really told us where you practice), the poster may have been using it as an abbreviation for "Princess of New York," based on their (purely speculative) conclusion that you are probably in a large, NYC law firm.

    Also, I think Squire, Sanders is real, and I have heard that they are circling their wagons.

  2. Its ironic that your last name is identical to a last name of an infamous russian lawyer whose name, legal career and ambitions are stirring Russia right now...and yet, you misspelled propaganda...

    A note of advice. You should move beyond ABA journal ban, and stop titling your daily writings as days. By the time its day 1390 -your readers will lose track of what happened on day 1.

    By the way, Squire Sanders is real, here's the link to their website

    As a lawyer you should know that if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it might be a chicken

  3. Arrrgghhhh ... I had to see it to believe it. Why won't you go away? Go, shoo, shoo ... please ...

    And WTF does "looses ONE tool belt while repiaring a SATELIGHT" mean anyway? Are you stupid? You are a poor representative of women in the workplace, what with your complete inability to write.

    Spare the world and go away.

  4. Ellen, I asked the ABA to do an article on you. I only graduated this past year, from a 4th tier law school, but am in my own private practice in a small town (which I like very much). I was annoyed by your random caps and often mispelled words, but fascinated by your thought process (if there is one).

  5. Ah, so close. This post exposed you as an imposter. The REAL EB would not be able to make the astronaut or carrot jokes. She isn't witty enough.

  6. Ellen Barshevsky: She does not like carrots.

    Further, I think that Squire Sandars is the Bon Jovi cover band that played at my class reunion.

  7. Ellen--I love your blawg. I also like carrots--especially in Stew--so if Alan doesn't want your Stew, let me know. And I don't know why someone would hunt down your blawg and post nasty comments on it unless they were even more jealous than I.

  8. This BLAWG is a FRAUD. It is not the real Ellen. It is concoction of Molly McButter and her nom-deplume, McLeod. The ABA STINKS for perpetrating this fraud. Bring back the REAL Ellen, not this CHEAP ABA FRAUD.

  9. What Cheezeballs! The ABA bans Ellen from posting and then puts up this BOGUS blog, which they are writing in her name. Talk about Cheap tricks. You guys are real amateurs. Your web traffic will go down because of this. Your BORING McLeod is clearly a ruse. Dummies.

  10. Checked this out b/c of the ABA article. I gotta ask, though I don't expect you'll tell me, how real is "Ellen"? I could speculate on your purposes here, but I am sure that would only meet with invective.

  11. The site is BOGUS, and this is NOT the real Ellen. This is Molly McButter at her worst.

  12. Squire Sanders is very real, I interviewed there during OCI a couple of years ago. Thank heavens I didn't up there.

  13. Ellen, I love your BLAWG. Could you please comment on HOW Morisson Foerster (also known as MoFo) can't be a rela firm since there are knonw as MOFO????? Can you also let me know how I can indicate any question marks in my comments to be read as capital question marks rather than lower-case case question marks?

    Seriously - I love this blog.

  14. i was worried that ellen's move to a blawg would no longer get the awesome reaction comments from people who take her seriously, but no worries, the ignorant masses have followed her here! hooray for ellen. ellen, your first couple of posts here were weak, but this one shows you are starting to hit your stride.

  15. what is the significance of blawg as opposed to blog?
